UncategorizedMy Dr Who gift box is now back in stock on Etsy, but I have had to replace the soaps with candles. please visit https://ift.tt/2QWZaX8 for more details. 27 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QWSgB8
UncategorizedI am delighted to announce that I am participating in an exclusive Thanksgiving Yarn giveaway with the Crochet Graph Lobby. To enter, join the group here: https://ift.tt/37yEgDj and follow the instructions on the competition post. Good luck! 25 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QSG5oD
UncategorizedYippee! I got accepted into Fibre East next year. Really pleased. ☺ #fibreeast #fibreeast2020 #yarnshow 17 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2OymJmj
UncategorizedEvening! I have finally finished stock taking and have put all my yarn and stitch markers back on Etsy! ☺ #indiedyer 12 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2QcxgG7
UncategorizedThank you to everyone who came today; it was lovely to see you all. Didn’t manage to get a better picture after all. Early night tonight then stock taking tomorrow. 😊 9 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Q19Nri
UncategorizedAlmost all set up for Festiwool! I will cover the screen with my shawls tomorrow, so long as I remember to bring drawing pins!! I will have my son with me tomorrow, who loves coming to yarn shows with me. ☺ Come and say hello if you are coming, I’m in the main hall. #Festiwool #Festiwool2019 #yarnshow 8 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PYeT7x
UncategorizedI’ve had a lovely week off over half term and now it is back to earth and time to face the huge amount of Festiwool prep I have to do by next week! First on my list once the kids are in bed is stock taking… #festiwool 3 November 2019 Luisa View on Instagram https://ift.tt/33akE64